The Arabic word taqwa is often translated as the fear of God. It is also sometimes translated as God consciousness or a kind of vigilance. This is fear of the Beloved's displeasure; a fear that arises from Love.
The one who has realized that the separation between self and other is illusory, knows that the most subtle act of self-service – at the expense of the other – has consequences and fears these consequences. But such a person also knows that this "wrath" is the Beloved's mercy because He is watching and He does not want the abd to go astray.
The abd's fear and the Beloved's "wrath" are both manifestations of Love. The abd's Love for her Beloved and the Beloved's love for the abd.
The fear which is an absence of love, is the fear of one who believes she is an independent being in a hostile world, where she has to secure her own wellbeing. This fear is rooted in illusion and falsehood - the illusion that one is separate and the false notion that the self can and does provide for and protect itself. This fear is rooted in being a victim and being ungrateful.
If one were to see things as they are, one would know that one has been created, sustained, protected and nourished by a Genius and a Generosity without having earned or deserved so much as one breath of life. From this correct apprehension of one's condition, springs trust, which helps one face uncertainty and perceived threats with equanimity.
And Allah knows best.
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