The Problem With Binaries
As a species we seem to have little capacity to disagree but allow the other to fully express and be who they are – with acceptance, compassion, love and respect. Beware of anyone who tells you that anyone who is not like you; does not dress or live or eat like you; does not speak or think or believe like you; or someone who disagrees with you; is your enemy and hates you.
At the root of all violence – subtle and obvious – lies the idea that the world exists in binaries that are mutually exclusive and hostile. There is an assumption that if I disagree with something, I must necessarily hate those who agree with it. This is not true. This binary thinking is what is problematic, not disagreement, different belief systems, lifestyles or ways of being.
It is possible to defer to a religious position without having to hate anyone who disagrees with it or lives differently from it. It is possible to disagree and yet accept the other's right to their opinion, choices and perspectives. It is possible to disagree but be appreciative and in awe of the many amazing attributes that other human beings have. It is possible to disagree with but love a person for their heart, for their presence, for their being, for their struggle, for their humanity. It is possible to disagree with but wish the best for and do the best for and have only goodwill towards another person.
I personally am sick and tired of the binaries that we impose on our own selves and on others. The world is vast enough and our Creator is generous enough to accommodate us all.
And we must struggle to find our authenticity, our own convictions that do not necessarily fit convenient but reduced categories like “pro-x”/ “anti-x.” Don't judge someone who does not agree with you and don't let anyone guilt you or bully you into a position by labeling or judging you.
May Allah grant us the capacity to recognize and be for truth, beyond binaries, and whichever , “side” it comes from.
photo: with thanks via Maarten Maarten Appel
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