Friday, 11 March 2016



Allow yourself to witness fully and deeply what is just on the edge of your consciousness, beyond the carefully constructed narrative of your self and your life.

The vilest loathing; the deepest, most painful hurt; the destructive, vicious rage; the unbearable intense craving; the paralyzing fear.

It isn't bad or good. That or this.

It just is.

Witness what is.

Don't judge it, justify it, repress it, wallow in it or identify with it.

Don't act on it.

Don't spill it and vent it and dump it on others.
That will only create more drama and pain for you.

Just witness it.

With as much courage and detachment as you can muster.

Someone else can lead you to the door, give you permission to witness. But no one else can see what is inside you.

You are your own sickness and remedy.

…and let it go.

image: with thanks via Iraj Jahanshahi on facebook

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