To be present is to be at peace.
To be present we must let go of the past.
To let go of the past we must first acknowledge it fully.
When we acknowledge it fully, we see it correctly.
When we see it correctly, we see what can and cannot be done – particularly what cannot be undone – and we choose to let it all go.
When we see it correctly, we also see the blessing in what had appeared previously as a curse.
When we have fully acknowledged and seen the past for what it is we are grateful and we can let it go.
We become at peace with the past.
When we become at peace with the past we become at peace with the future.
Because we know that the same Benevolence that cared for us in the past will care for us in the future.
When the past no longer burdens us and the future no longer worries us, we become present.
And we are at peace.
In order not to accumulate baggage from the present moment, it is important to act correctly in the moment. To act correctly is to act with unconditional benevolent intent because only then have we have given what were are being asked to give, we have done what we are being asked to do, we have done our best – we have been generous or courageous as appropriate.
Being deliberate about correct action in the present, about letting go of the past and about letting go of anxiety for the future, are mutually enabling.
When we have done the appropriate, done our best, we can move on to the next moment without guilt, resentment or anxiety. We are present. And at peace.
image: with thanks via Wildlife Photographer Of The Year on facebook