Monday, 16 November 2015

Death Is Only A Portal

Sometimes, in moments of great pain and darkness, death appears seductive as the absolute escape.  But like all other distractions from the Here and Now, death’s promise is hollow; the relief or pleasure it provides, short-lived. 

The body is a garment that houses an invisible dweller.  Death is the portal that releases the dweller from its earthly abode, but does not, cannot, extinguish it.  The dweller carries with it, across the threshold of death, its invisible pain.

If pain is knocking at your door right now, let it in.  Let it speak to you, weep to you, rant and rave and lament.  Be brave.  Listen.  Look.  Allow it to come into form.  But remain the witness. Once it is form-ed, it is no longer invisible and no longer with the invisible dweller. 

Give your pain form so that you may set the invisible prisoner free of it.

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